Tuesday, November 9, 2010


              So, today we came in and we did a whip, the question was," If you could live anywhere, where would you live?" I said Italy or Cooks Island. Then I went to my desk and worked on my Math 3.06. I finished that and I got a 18/20. Then we went to brain break and played one legged bacon and circle game. We came back up and worked on our PBL. Yesterday, Hannah and I made aged paper out of black tea for our American History project. Tomorrow I hope to burn the sides with a liter. We started on our character facts and such. I am doing 3 characters, Jesabell Smith, a 12 year old slave, William Henderson, a 18 year old soldier in the Civil War, and last but not at all the least, Megan Miller, she is a mom of 5 kids and a wife in the Western Expansion. We went to lunch and had our normal tennis lesson except that Jonathan is out of town. We talked about Costa Rica for like 5 minutes after tennis. Then I started on my Spanish lesson, 4.05, it is soooo long. I never got to finish it but, I am taking the test tomorrow. CLEAN-UP EVERYONE!!!! Then we had check out meeting. I am going to tennis team!

        Come back tomorrow for some more on my PBL project.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alyssa,
    Your blog is informative and I can understand your day. I am looking for you to reread your blogs and correct grammatical errors along with spelling. For instance: how do you spell lighter???? It is LIGHTER and you have liter which is a measurement. These corrections are so important because we have spent so much time on this and it continues to be an area of improvement.
    I love your blogs, I want you to focus on what I said above too because this shows me you are growing in the writing, grammar, and spelling....
    which is so so important.

    Try to put your thoughts in order so that your blog flows.

    Keep writing...I am enjoying reading about your days....
